In order to incentivize exchange of personal information which include your work experience and even connections, KRYPTOX is here to help! Founded in 2021, it is a decentralized data exchange protocol and is created with the aim of disrupting centralized file sharing networks such as dropbox and others. It provides user the ability to control their own data and share it across applications while staying boundless to a platform.
KRYPTOX is developed by the KRYPTOX developer team which was founded by Leon Tiger. KRYPTOX is a platform that connects blockchain technology with file sharing.
Leon Tiger founded the brand in 2021 with the goal to revolutionize how we are sharing data online.
benefit of deciding where this data, and the data received in their name on other platforms are shared. Payment in the form of tokens is one of KRYPTOX’s features for applications to access data and participate in all features of the file sharing service.
KRYPTOX is what you call the “Disrupter of file sharing”. It connects various parts of blockchain technology, cloud storaging and file sharing on one single platform. Any type of data is transferrible on KRPTOX and you can keep it updated from time to time according to the recent developments.
The KRYPTOX protocol helps users to receive push updates from a user about activity on what happened to the data. These applications can also enjoy using business application data (task management, collaboration, file sharing) to assess individual work history and performance, and to create reputation scores, network centrality scores, performance reviews, or even get information on whether or not someone works at a specific company.
Leon Tiger, CEO and original developer, believes in good partnerships and lending a helping hand to organizations and platforms in the Blockchain space. He had lent his crypto expertise to solve and transform the industry as it continues to innovate in its own use of blockchain for file sharing and cloud storaging.